I'm looking out the window as I am writing this post. On the other side of the glass I can see the pond with the little waterfall and the sun slowly going down behind the Rocky Mountains. These past two weeks have been incredible. I visited Vail, my Rotary clubs, I've been to a Simple Plan concert in Denver and also to a Dinner Theater, where I encountered an interesting ad. It was for a media company, which is exactly the kind of firm I will have to intern with in less than a year. As a result I got an interview with its co-founder and subsequently with a second company. I did not make any decision yet but I love the fact that I've options available for my upcoming future.
Being back made me appreciate the smallest things. A cup of coffee with some friends, the sunset, car rides with my family, playing with my dog, the simplest chats ever and so on. I literally went everywhere I used to go to during my exchange, I went back to my high school to say hi to classmates and teachers, I ate tamales, other kinds of Mexican food, hamburgers, corn.
I realised that I missed waking up every morning facing the Mountains, driving through huge roads, having wine with my family after a long day, I even enjoyed helping at church!
It was amazing to be able to come back and spend a couple of weeks, but like every other amazing thing, it didn't last long, in fact here I am packing. I don't know if I ever found happiness in my life yet but what I do know is that every time I leave the US I feel terribly sad.
- Cris