Of course the answer to that is TO BE, and not only because you learn a new language or because you get to spend one year abroad, but also because you get to feel emotions that are really unique and impossible to put into words. That said, these below are some of the reasons why you should consider going on exchange:
1. You get to do fun stuff (almost) all the time and while you do that you grow.
You can do the same things you are used to do in your home country and find out that there is someone who does them differently. For example pasta for me is the main dish, I basically eat pasta everyday but when I was in the USA pasta was a once in a while deal.
You can do the same things you are used to do in your home country and find out that there is someone who does them differently. For example pasta for me is the main dish, I basically eat pasta everyday but when I was in the USA pasta was a once in a while deal.
2. Normality doesn't really exists.
Something that might be normal for you can be weird for someone else on the other side of the world. I saw people going to school with flip flops while I was on exchange but that would be considered weird in Milan.
Something that might be normal for you can be weird for someone else on the other side of the world. I saw people going to school with flip flops while I was on exchange but that would be considered weird in Milan.
3. You understand that the world isn't so huge but it can actually be "small".
There can be differences from one country to the other but there are things that stay just the same everywhere.
There can be differences from one country to the other but there are things that stay just the same everywhere.
4. You are a learner but also a teacher, sort of.
It is important to be an exchange student because you are not the only one who learns something, but you get to teach others as well. You will have the chance to tell people stuff about your country. As Italian I had the opportunity to tell people that we aren't all part of mafia, we don't eat always pizza, we don't know what or who Alfredo is and that Mario and Luigi are real names.
It is important to be an exchange student because you are not the only one who learns something, but you get to teach others as well. You will have the chance to tell people stuff about your country. As Italian I had the opportunity to tell people that we aren't all part of mafia, we don't eat always pizza, we don't know what or who Alfredo is and that Mario and Luigi are real names.
5. Fight your "fears" and be brave.
If you have the courage to leave everything that is familiar to you, for the whole time abroad you have the courage of experiencing the unknown. In Milan people considered me as a shy person, but in the U.S. I definitely tried not to be. Basically when people asked me to do something I've always said yes. I've done a lot of stuff for the first time and I am really glad I didn't waste time but I enjoyed every single moment instead.
If you have the courage to leave everything that is familiar to you, for the whole time abroad you have the courage of experiencing the unknown. In Milan people considered me as a shy person, but in the U.S. I definitely tried not to be. Basically when people asked me to do something I've always said yes. I've done a lot of stuff for the first time and I am really glad I didn't waste time but I enjoyed every single moment instead.
6. If you don't take this chance, you'll regret it.
You have to be an exchange student because if you decide not to, you will regret it. It is something we have to do when we are young, when our priorities aren't numerous and we can learn how to adapt to many situations. Also, it is the time you meet your best friends, from all over the world.
You have to be an exchange student because if you decide not to, you will regret it. It is something we have to do when we are young, when our priorities aren't numerous and we can learn how to adapt to many situations. Also, it is the time you meet your best friends, from all over the world.
Sometimes students say "What if my host family won't be nice to me? What if I won't make friends? What if..?" That's wrong. I thought the same things before leaving but you know what? I experienced a lot, I had and still have a beautiful American family and friends. I know that I have been lucky and things can also go wrong, but it is worth it to try. I am financially the same as I was 2 years before but I feel rich. Rich of the right things, rich inside.
READ ALSO: I am not the same person I was at the beginning of my exchange year.
READ ALSO: I am not the same person I was at the beginning of my exchange year.
- Cris