Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Cristian 0 Comments

"You spend so much time with other people, you spend so much time trying get people to like you, you know other people more you know yourself, you study them, you know about them, you wanna hang out like them, you wanna be just like them, and you know why? You invest so much time on them you don't know who you are. I challenge you to spend time by yourself. It's necessary that you get the losers out of your life, if you want to live your dream."

I was watching a video on Facebook, when I heard this paragraph and I wanted to quote it because I couldn't agree more. I always see people comparing themselves to other people. It is time to live our own life, to do it the way we want to and let people live theirs the way they want to.

"Did you see what he achieved? I wish I could do something like that.."
Who says you can't do it yourself? Who says he is better? Just do your own thing, if you want something, work on it and make it happen. I'm sure the person you are comparing yourself with didn't achieve it out of nothing. We just see the best of people, we see what they want us to see. If we knew what they went through, I'm sure we would love our own life a little more.

On the other hand, there is people who says shit about you just because they think they are cooler than you. Just know that they are as cool as you are. Don't choose your host country because it is cool, because it is the place a cool person would choose. Go somewhere YOU would like to see and explore. Live the culture, don't go there to drink the umpteenth beer, get drunk and screw the whole year up because your organization sends you home earlier. Have fun, of course, but don't make breaking the rules your first purpose on exchange. I don't wanna be the partypooper or to sound like your mom, I'm saying this because a lot of people get caught and I'm sure it was no fun to end their exchange earlier.
I spent my whole summer before departure trying to convince my parents to let me go on exchange, they raised the money and they finally signed my application. Living in the USA was my dream, was it worth it to ruin everything over a beer? Let me tell you, it is not. Drink it when you are beyond sure you are not risking to be sent home, then drink as much as you want and have fun. And first of all, YOU have to decide if you want to drink it, don't do it because they push you. Once you get caugh you can't say "I did it because they did" but you have to take your responsibility.

Be the person you wanna be, don't do what society wants you to do. As exchange students we should promote diversity, we need to understand that what is different from us isn't always wrong or bad. You don't need to be accepted by people, people need to love your real you, and not make a copy of themselves.

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- Cris