Saturday, October 31, 2015 Cristian 0 Comments

Today I want to talk about Halloween in the United States, since in Italy we don't really celebrate it. In my home country it is just another chance to drink and party. I have some pretty cool memories from last year's halloween instead.

I went to an awesome halloween party at friends' house. That's where I carved my first pumpkin ever. I've a funny story about that. I had a really weird looking face printed out in a sheet of paper. It was confusing because I thought the mouth was a hat and vice versa. What I am trying to say is that I carved the face upside down. LOL. But at some point my American mom noticed it and I tried to fix it. I had awesome food as well. In America everything was pumpkin-made during the fall. Pumpkin s'mores, Pumpkin oreos, Pumpkin pie.. when I say everything, I mean it.

I went to the biggest corn maze in town, once during the day and once at night. It was cooler at night because supposedly zombies were hiding to scare people. In reality my friend and I became friends with the zombies, chatted for like half an hour and helped them scaring people.

During my time in America I've also turned into a zombie, cool isn't it? that was actually for a class, but we decided to make a movie about halloween because it was fall season. I went trick or treating in my neighbourhood and then to my friends' house to play games and watch horror movies.

I enjoyed parties in the US because I had the chance of meeting a lot of people, eat a lot of food, laugh and have fun playing board games.

- Cris