Wednesday, September 02, 2015 Cristian 0 Comments

Okay guys, today I want to let you know why I am NOT excited to go back to school here in my home country. First of all, for the new viewers, I am from Italy. And school here kind of... sucks. I am not the only one saying it just because I am Italian, but all the exchange students here told me it is the worst. A lot of Italians right now are dealing with repair exams, so... good luck guys!

Before starting, if you are an exchange student and you are going to spend a year in Italy, don't worry because most of the foreign people sleep in class. Lol.

High school lasts five years. Before going to college Italians study thirteen years.
Each high school is different from one another so you choose it based on what your interests are. For example, if you like math (are there really people in the world who like it?) you apply for a school math based, if you like history and literature you choose a school called "classic school", etc.
Most of the schools are open from Monday to Saturday, so the only day off most Italians have is Sunday, even though classes finish before lunch (Italians have lunch at like 2 pm more or less). Students have their classroom and teachers change. So basically, you get to share a room with the same people your whole high school career (or almost all of it). You have to stand up every time a teacher comes in class.

You cannot check your phone (even looking at the time is not allowed). The rule is that you shouldn't even bring it to school, but everyone does. You cannot eat in class, food but not even chewing-gum. And I say this because at my American high school I saw students bringing plastic bags with any snack possible, even corn flakes!

Often teachers choose your desk in class so that you don't sit next to your friend and talk. Students have a little notebook where they have to keep track of grades and information school gives. Teachers also use it to communicate with the family of the student. If your behavior is inappropriate, they write it in the book.

You cannot leave the school during the day until school's over, usually at 1 or 2 pm. You are not allowed to leave for lunch, you cannot even call a delivery guy and receive a pizza. You can skip the first block if you need to but, when you enter the classroom at the beginning of the second, you need to specify why you were absent. If you go to school later than the second block, your parents need to be with you (unless you are eighteen).

Restrooms usually have squat toilets, and they are normally dirty. The school itself isn't usually a great building. We still use chalk on the blackboard, only a few schools have smart boards. Normally we don't even have cafeterias. My school, for example, had a "bar" in a little room, which sold like sandwiches and drinks for our breaks.

There are no activities, no sports, no drama and... no school dances. Yes guys, no prom. Students are not involved at school at all and there is no school spirit, there is no mascotte.
Grades go from 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. It is really hard to get a 10 though.
Teachers test you also orally. Usually, there is a speaking section for each chapter of the textbook. So Italians have a lot of homework and they study hours every day to succeed and not fail tests.

Please understand that this information should be the general rule for every Italian high school, but as I understand some information applies only to mine. For example, a friend of mine told me that she was allowed to leave school premises whenever she needed to, but she would also be in trouble if, for instance, she arrived at school even a minute late (she had to scan a badge at the front door).
    - Cris