Thursday, March 02, 2017 Cristian 0 Comments

To fully enjoy our exchange we also have to laugh at ourselves when we do something that might be a bit awkward. The following is a list of things that happened to fellow exchangers:

Accidentally yelling "pussy" instead of "cat" on a bus full of Rotarians, not to mention the time when I told my french teacher that "when I was a kid I used to hate men's balls, but now I love them" instead of saying "squash".

I guess one of the awkward moments of my exchange would be, as a girl, asking my host dad "where are the balls" instead of "bowls".

When I was riding a taxi with my host family the song "I'm horny" started playing on the radio. I was convinced to sing "I'm honey" but apparently I screamed "I'm horny" for three minutes. 

So once I went to dinner with my host dad and my tiny host mom. Then out of curiosity the waiter asked me if my host dad and I were married. Basically he though my host mom was younger than me.

I tried to order bananas, I ordered penis instead.

My youngest host brother would open the door while I was showering, leave it wide open, sit on the floor and watch me. With the entire family hanging out in the other rooms.

I had to explain what "fuck me" means to a 40-year-old Thai man because he kept saying it to me and my friend.

I asked "how much it costs to sleep with you" to a waitress when all I wanted to ask was "how much do dumplings cost?". I love Chinese.

I told my host brother "we will fuck tomorrow" but all I meant was "we will get haircuts tomorrow". Thanks Danish.

I was in Brazil and I said "I want Dick" but I only wanted some bread.

I'm a guy. I asked a girl if she had a dick. I wanted to know if she had bread. I love Portuguese.

My host mother caught my next door neighbour and I kissing, awkward enough?

I told my host mom I wanted some dick for dinner. Chicken, I meant chicken.

You know that accents in Spanish are important right? If not, you should. Because I asked a person "How many assholes do you have?" instead of "How old are you?".

Imagine. It is a warm day. I try to ask if he was hot, but I end up asking him if he is horny. He replies "no?" with a really high voice. Lol.

So in Japan after a big family dinner I said "Thanks for the pussy" instead of "Thanks for the orange". Well.. I tried.

At first we might think "fuck! I just made a fool of myself" but all we have left to do is laugh, really. Whatever happened was just a result of you trying to practice your host language. Of course being grateful for pussy during a family dinner isn't right but if your purpose was to thank for the food then the people will understand, and hopefully break the awkward silence with a big laugh. Do you have some stories to share of your own? Drop them in the comments!

- Cris